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As the EMPLOYMENT & LABOR MANAGER you advise and represent natural and juristic entity (MODERN DAY UNIVERSE) in legal matters. You counsel clients, perform legal research, prepare legal documents and represent clients in criminal and civil court proceedings in accordance to the duties that your supervisor or higher ups from any chief or legal department instruct you to perform regarding any and all legal matters. You are to also delegate and instruct the employment & labor employees to help aid you in whatever you need to help with aiding MODERN DAY UNIVERSE and our clients in employment & labor matters.


$20,000.00 Monthly Salary


• 30 Days Vacation
• 7 Days Bereavement Leave
• 10 Days Paid Time Off
• 3 Days Sick Leave
• 84 Days of FMLA (Unpaid Time Off) Hospitalization/Medical/Birth/Adoption Leave
• 84-280 Days of Company Paternal/Maternal Birth/Adoption Leave
• $500 Monthly Car Incentive Bonus
• Full Elite Health/Hospitalization/Dental/Vision Family Insurance on all dependents claimed
• $1,200 Day Care per child in kindergarten and under on all offsprings including legal adoptions
• We pay 25% towards your pension
• 401k Contribution
• End of year bonuses...amount depends on individual performance 

Woman in Grey Suit


 1. Degree or Field Experience...preferably both:

• Any Juris Bachelors Degree and Registered with the Bar


• 5 Years in any juris field


•Managed 5+ lawyers for 1+ year(s)

2. Comprehensive understanding of:

• Business Laws

• Employment & Labor Laws

• State Laws

• Government Laws

• International Laws

3. Principles and Character:

• Amiable
• Honest
• Integrity
• High Ethics
• High Morals
• Polite
• Compassion
• Understanding
• Respectful
• Patience
• Wise
• Savvy
• Social Awareness
• Fair & Just
• Stern
• Disciplined
• Determined
• Persistant
• Evidential
• Strong Work Ethics
• Punctual
• Leadership
• Listener
• Self Motivating
• Motivational
• Team Player
• Inclusive
• Openminded
• Conscious
• Knowledgeable
• Intellectual
• Inquisitive
• Creative

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